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Free Verse

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  1. Osney Chery says:

    @Bianca Hill, nice wording and word play…..the depths of your mind on paper….Nice


  2. ivan brian nava says:

    @Eddie Perez, I like it both the first part and the second


  3. Dante Cunningham says:

    @Charley Jones, Im feeling this poem it shows that you have self confidence in yourself and that you won’t let no-one change you because of the satisfication you have within yourself.


  4. Wilson Gomez says:

    @Charley Jones, this poem is deep. It really shows that you’re proud of yourself and that you are not going to change for anybody, because you’re perfect the way you are.


  5. Nery Guevara says:

    @Alberto Leon,

    I agree that in some way we are not completely free. And that although rules are made to keep order and peace it has blinded us of what the government actually is up to. In the end only the strongest will see the lies and fight back against americas consperacy.


  6. Wilson Gomez says:

    @Melissa Costa, I love this poem. It’s awesome how you love your best friend no matter what others have said. I can relate because I was in the same situation, I had a best friend who meant the world to me and was like a fourth brother to me. Hope you two remain lifelong friends. 🙂


  7. Jehmealia Ramsey says:

    @Juliana Gonzalez, this is a beautiful poem
    that has great meaning and insightful words.
    Love it!


    Juliana Gonzalez Reply:

    @Jehmealia Ramsey,
    Thank you 🙂


  8. Janel Gunter says:

    @Danielle E. Rodriguez, I really enjoyed reading your poem. The title of the poem and the poem itself is like a conflict within a person.


  9. Alexandra says:

    @Hubert Hernandez,

    This is not an example of free verse, but multiple-line couplets.


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