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Broward.TheFish.Group 4

The Fish: An Explication


Lines 34-44 of The Fish, by Elizabeth Bishop, are extremely particular in describing the author’s view of the fish’s eyes. She realizes the fish’s eyes are humongous enough to analyze all his features. The yellow coloring and loss of luster in his eyes showed his age. The gelatin layer of the lens that protects the eyes were scratched and damaged from the effects of a long- lived and prosperous life.  The author attempts to make eye contact with the fish, though it was in fear for its life, and does not return her stare. Seeing just how brave he was in not returning her stare, the author admired the honor that the fish projected. It seems as if the fish looked up at the sun, accepting his defeat, realizing this may just be his last battle.  The five old pieces of fish-lines in the fish’s jaw entails just how wise and venerable he was, so a feeling of victory may have come over the author for the mere fact of catching him. Although, keeping such an aged and noble fish may have altered her feelings of victory to feelings of regret. She then realizes that the fish still has fight left in him, and sets him free.


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